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Bright-Byte - Guaranteed Host!



Established In:


Member Since:

March 2002




27 Eastbourne crescent


Perth, WA 6061



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61-8 9345 0417

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General Information

  Your IP Address  
  Your Name
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  Your Domain
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  Your E-Mail
  (Must be the same as Domain. Your email will not be shown)
What plan do you have with Bright-Byte?

Dedicated Server 
Colocated Server 
I'm Not Sure 
  Do you think you have received value for the money?

Excellent - great value for the money.
Good - fair price, good value for the money.
Should be less expensive.
Doesn't apply.
  How would you rate your experience with Bright-Byte billing?

Excellent - never an issue.
Good - had couple of issues, but was able to work it out.
Not Good - lots of problems, the host needs to improve in this area.
Doesn't apply.
  How would you rate Bright-Byte control panel?

Excellent - the control panel is clear and easy to use.
Good - a little confusing in the beginning but easy once you figure it out.
Could be better - the host needs to improve in this area.
Doesn't apply.
  How would you rate the reliability of Bright-Byte?

Excellent - I never notice any downtime, my site is always fast.
Good - minor downtime, my site loads with an average speed.
Not Good - constant problems with site speed and uptime, needs improvement.
Doesn't apply.
  How would you rate Bright-Byte customer support?

Excellent - knowledgeable and friendly staff, always fixing problems easily.
Good - knowledgeable staff but sometimes it takes a while.
Could be better - the host needs to improve in this area.
Doesn't apply.
  Have you had any issues with security?

Excellent - never had any issues.
Good - some minor problems, but the host was always able to solve it.
Not Good - constant problems, host needs to improve in this area.
Doesn't apply.
  Are you still with Bright-Byte?
Yes  No
Services used during

Are you happy with Bright-Byte?
Yes  No
Would you recommend Bright-Byte to a friend?
Yes  No
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Hosting Reviews