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NetNation Communications - Guaranteed Host!


NetNation Communications

Established In:


Member Since:

November 2000


NetNation Communications


Bentall 5, Suite 200

550 Burrard Street

Vancouver,   V6C 2B5

British Columbia 



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General Information

  Your IP Address  
  Your Name
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  Your Domain
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What plan do you have with NetNation Communications?

Dedicated Server 
Colocated Server 
I'm Not Sure 
  Do you think you have received value for the money?

Excellent - great value for the money.
Good - fair price, good value for the money.
Should be less expensive.
Doesn't apply.
  How would you rate your experience with NetNation Communications billing?

Excellent - never an issue.
Good - had couple of issues, but was able to work it out.
Not Good - lots of problems, the host needs to improve in this area.
Doesn't apply.
  How would you rate NetNation Communications control panel?

Excellent - the control panel is clear and easy to use.
Good - a little confusing in the beginning but easy once you figure it out.
Could be better - the host needs to improve in this area.
Doesn't apply.
  How would you rate the reliability of NetNation Communications?

Excellent - I never notice any downtime, my site is always fast.
Good - minor downtime, my site loads with an average speed.
Not Good - constant problems with site speed and uptime, needs improvement.
Doesn't apply.
  How would you rate NetNation Communications customer support?

Excellent - knowledgeable and friendly staff, always fixing problems easily.
Good - knowledgeable staff but sometimes it takes a while.
Could be better - the host needs to improve in this area.
Doesn't apply.
  Have you had any issues with security?

Excellent - never had any issues.
Good - some minor problems, but the host was always able to solve it.
Not Good - constant problems, host needs to improve in this area.
Doesn't apply.
  Are you still with NetNation Communications?
Yes  No
Services used during

Are you happy with NetNation Communications?
Yes  No
Would you recommend NetNation Communications to a friend?
Yes  No
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