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Web Hosting Reviews Of NewTech Web Services, LLC

We appreciate your time and effort to find out experiences other NewTech Web Services, LLC customers have had hosting their website. We hope this information helps you to make a decision and hopefully purchase a web hosting plan from NewTech Web Services, LLC.

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NewTech Web Services, LLC

NewTech Web Services, LLC - established in 2002. We offer affordable, quality windows based hosting solutions. Whether you are an expereinced programmer or just starting out we have a plan to meet your needs. New accounts get 2 months free hosting and 1 year free domain registration, no setup fees apply!

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NewTech Web Services, LLC


NewTech Web Services, LLC

Established In:


Member Since:

October 2003


NewTech Web Services, LLC


PO Box 14053

Terre Haute, IN 47803



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Network and Infrastructure

Connection Speed:

Multiple OC12

Server Hardware:

AMD Custom Built Servers

Server Software:

Windows 2003

Sites Per Server:


Server Component List:

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Business Hours

Business Hours:

Technical Support Hours:

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Shared plans by NewTech Web Services, LLC

Level 1($4.99)

Level 2($7.99)

Level 3($12.99)

Level 4($16.99)

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