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Web Hosting Reviews Of AP Consultants Hosting

We appreciate your time and effort to find out experiences other AP Consultants Hosting customers have had hosting their website. We hope this information helps you to make a decision and hopefully purchase a web hosting plan from AP Consultants Hosting.

 Combined rating 99.17% - based on 2 reviews

Happy overall?   100.00%
Still Customer?   100.00%
Recommend to friend?   100.00%
Price   100.00%
Billing    100.00%
Control Panel    100.00%
Performance    100.00%
Support   100.00%
Security   92.50%


 Reviewed by - IP  Rated 98.33%
 Plan Type: Shared
 Price: Excellent - great value for the money
 Billing: Excellent - never an issue
 Control Panel: Excellent - the control panel is clear and easy to use
 Performance / Reliability: Excellent - I never notice any downtime, my site is always fast.
 Support: Excellent - knowledgeable and friendly staff, always fixing problems easily
 Are you still a customer? Yes
 Are you happy overall? Yes
 Would you recommend AP Consultants Hosting? Yes
 Hosted During: April 2001 - December 2007

 Reviewed by - IP  Rated 100.00%
 Plan Type: Shared
 Price: Excellent - great value for the money
 Billing: Excellent - never an issue
 Control Panel: Excellent - the control panel is clear and easy to use
 Performance / Reliability: Excellent - I never notice any downtime, my site is always fast.
 Support: Excellent - knowledgeable and friendly staff, always fixing problems easily
 Security: Excellent - never had any issues
 Are you still a customer? Yes
 Are you happy overall? Yes
 Would you recommend AP Consultants Hosting? Yes
 Hosted During: December 2002 - November 2006

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AP Consultants Hosting

AP Consultants Hosting - Affordable web hosting plans, pet website design templates, internet business marketing tools and domain name registration for professionals, entrepreneurs, sole proprietors, dog trainers, petsitters, families and YOU!

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AP Consultants Hosting - Guaranteed Host!


AP Consultants Hosting

Member Since:

June 2006


AP Consultants Hosting


29 Gilley Road

Perryville, MD 21903



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Shared plans by AP Consultants Hosting

Ruby Tuesday($5.00)

Ruby Virtuoso($9.95)

Ruby Obelisk($12.95)

Cache Biz($17.95)

Ruby Digerati($19.95)

Bada Bing!($25.98)

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