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The Benefits of Social Media Marketing to Miva Merchant Storeowners


Social media sites are online communities of users that come together to discuss topics, post pictures, communicate with friends and become fans of products, services, bands, television shows and just about anything you can fathom. When it comes to social media sites there is a fine line between this powerful technology, the audience and the author.

Some of the more popular social media sites are Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, Linkedin and Friendster. Miva Merchant storeowners can use these sites to their advantage by advertising their business and socially connecting with people from all over the world.

As a Miva Merchant 5.5 storeowner, it is in your best interest to explore these sites and create profiles and fan pages. You can then easily connect with those that are interested in what you have to offer.

You can create fan pages for your stores on Facebook and people can then become fans of your business or even a topic related to your business (For example, if you sell diamond rings you might start a fan page like “The Ultimate Guide to Getting Engaged”). Once a person is your fan, they will see any updates, promotional deals, events or anything you post to your profile. This is an excellent way to build relationships, network with possible customers and other businesses and ultimately drive traffic to your site.

Twitter is a fast growing micro-blogging site that has recently been taking the social media world by storm. With Twitter there are even separate applications such as Twitzu, which will help manage promotions and Twibs that works as a directory of businesses and their current promotions to aid the online shopper.

Groups are common to mostly all social networking sites. If you join groups that are related to your business then you can easily reach your target demographic.

WebNet Hosting is a reliable Miva Host that provides solutions for e-commerce storeowners. Contact us for dependable Miva Hosting solutions.

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