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Customize Your E-Commerce Store with Miva Merchant 5.5’s New Store Morph Technology

Miva Merchant 5.5 the newest installment of the top-notch online shopping cart program, has many innovative and exciting features. Perhaps the major addition to this version of Miva Merchant is the novel Store Morph Technology feature, which allows users to create online stores that are totally customizable to their specifications and how they wish their store to look and operate based on provided templates. Store Morph Technology is a huge advancement in the creation, design and management of the online e-commerce business.

By using Miva Hosting for your online store, you will be able to do things that you could never do before. Surprisingly, these tasks can be accomplished with great ease and total control of your site. Miva Merchant 5.5 supplies you with an array of completely modifiable design templates that will be a perfect fit for any website with online shopping cart functionality. You can also design any extra pages you desire for your store’s site such as – location, directions and maps, about us, articles and news, mission statement, etc. The more content and information you offer about your business and the products you are selling or the services you are offering, the more customers will not only be drawn to your site but trust your site as well. We all know that security and trust is a very important factor when it comes to people spending their money online.

Store Morph Technology allows you to make your business function the way you want it to. Storeowners can have full control over the layout and design of every single page of their store and move things around however they would like. This also allows you to have a particular layout on one page and a totally different layout on another page. Store Morph Technology is renowned for its simplicity and use of basic HTML commands. A little HTML knowledge can go a long way with the new Miva Merchant 5.5 in creating customized store pages.

Due to Miva's use of basic HTML such as links, text styles, tables, lists, etc., those with experience in web design will feel immediately at ease because this process is very much the same as designing a web page. Certain components can easily be added while unnecessary components can effortlessly be removed all while designing a truly unique interface for your online store.

With Store Morph Technology, an online store can become more functional to its target clients and customers by modifying small yet important details of a site. This way not every Miva Hosting store looks the same – you can make your site stand out amongst other bland sites that offer fewer features.

With Store Morph Technology, there are two variables. One is page specific and the other is a global site wide variable. With these variables you are able to change either specific pages or all pages of your site. Miva leaves it totally in your hands how your finished storefront, product pages and any other pages appear to your customers. For example, you can easily add a search box to any page then go so far as to customize what it says and how search results are displayed.

If you ever feel confused about any of the options, you are only a click away from a helpful instructions guide. The best part is that there is no additional cost for these features. Store Morph Technology is integrated into the Miva interface and its design controls are very easily accessible.

You can freely make changes to your pages without worrying that you might mess them up by using the simple tracking system, which allows you to revert back to previous versions and even make notes on what works and doesn’t work with certain ideas. This way, your site is essentially damage proof and creatively open for you to decide what suits your e-commerce store the best.

By using the new Miva Merchant along with its Store Morph Technology features, the creation, design and maintenance of your online store is easy and powerful. With Store Morph Technology, everything is in the hands of the online business operator – from the placement of buttons and graphics to products and category lists. Miva Merchant 5.5 gives the power back to the e-commerce storeowner by providing them with a totally new store design system.

Perhaps most importantly, Store Morph Technology, will save storeowners money since they will no longer need to purchase advanced modules and skins to get the look and feel they desire for their websites. For premier Miva Merchant Hosting, please visit WebNet Hosting.

Provided by  webnethosting.net

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